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Residential Services at
Chaplin Youth Center

The Office on Youth’s Residential Services Division operates one facility – the Chaplin Youth Center, located at 125 Hot Top Rd, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405. The Chaplin Youth Center is a 12 bed, community-based, residential facility serving male and female youth ages 12-17. Licensed by the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, the Center provides 24-hour supervision in a safe and structured environment, where residents are supported and encouraged to develop healthy, responsible behaviors, in order to return home and be successful in the community. Youth may be referred to two main programs as outlined below.

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Shelter Care Services

  • Youth must be court ordered or placed via a shelter care by an intake officer

  • A return court date must be set for discharge of the youth or the Court Services Unit must make a request for release authority when the youth is initially ordered into shelter care

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Post-Dispositional Group Home

  • A 6-12 month program for court-involved youth who require intensive behavior modification

  • Programming is designed to promote positive changes in decision-making skills while also developing coping skills, anger management, and life skills

  • A referral from a regionally located agency or OOY community partner is required, and involves a pre-placement application and interview process to determine the appropriateness of placement

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Services Offered to Residents at Chaplin Youth Center

  • Individual Service Plans

  • Psychosocial Educational Groups

  • Leadership Development

  • Life Skill Education

  • Community Service Activities

  • Structured Recreation

  • Weekly Self-Help Groups

  • Vocational & Educational Assistance

  • Assistance with Job Readiness Skills & Job Placement

Emergencies, PREA Reporting, and Additional Information:


In the event of an emergency, please contact the Center at (540) 371-0590. Select option ‘9’ if the voicemail attendant picks up. This will ring to the on-call administrator.


In the event that you have comments or concerns, you may contact either of the administrative contacts. Should you need to register a complaint against administrative staff, please contact Dr. Timothy Duffy, Chairman of the Commission, at


The Office on Youth has zero tolerance for all forms of sexual abuse and harassment against any youth in its programs. Suspected or alleged acts of sexual abuse and harassment shall be referred for investigation to the Department of Social Services and law enforcement in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.


If you suspect that a juvenile has been subject to sexual abuse or harassment that occurred while at any facility, you can report it by calling a facility administrator. Reports will also be accepted by e-mail (to, in writing (Office on Youth / 12000 Kennedy Ln, #100 / Fredericksburg, VA 22407) and through the PREA Hotline ((855) 602-7001). In addition, the Office on Youth has also entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Rappahannock Juvenile Center (RJC) as a means of third party reporting.  Per this agreement, RJC will accept and immediately forward all allegations of sexual assault, abuse or harassment to the Office on Youth’s PREA Coordinator, allowing the resident to remain anonymous upon request. Third party reports can be made to the Superintendent of RJC by calling (540) 658-1691 x 105


All reports are taken seriously and investigated as outlined in the Federal PREA Standards. Anyone knowingly reporting false accusations may be prosecuted.


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